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推荐一本书《CSS: The Missing Manual》-- 一本讲css很不错的书

书名: CSS: The Missing Manual
作者: David McFarland

amazon link:      www.amazon.com/CSS-Missing-Manual-David-McFarland/dp/0596526873
google book link:books.google.com/books


6 楼 tapestry1122 2008-01-16  

好象是javaeye 会员 YuLimin  翻译的
5 楼 grayblur 2008-01-16  
4 楼 bobomtv17 2007-12-21  
是啊       E文看的太吃力了
3 楼 sincerywaing 2007-12-20  
2 楼 bei-jin-520 2007-12-13  
1 楼 xhjay 2007-12-03  


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